A #PitchWars Guide to Interacting with Mentors, Part 1

Pitchwars is one of the most exciting contests of the year, both for mentors and prospective mentees. It’s a huge contest, and everyone wants to be a part of it. In this three part blog series, I’m going to take a look at ways that you can benefit from the contest through your interactions with […]

This is the PitchWars Mentor You’re Looking For….

******THIS IS MY WISH LIST FOR LAST YEAR, 2015. PLEASE CHECK BACK IN JULY 2016 FOR THE CURRENT YEAR’S WISH LIST AS THERE ARE SOME CHANGES*****  ABOUT ME: (The official bio) Laura Heffernan is a California-born women’s fiction writer, represented by Michelle Richter at Fuse Literary.  One Saturday morning when she was four or five, Laura sat […]